The best for your everyday life, recommended by doctors.

About Us

We’re glad you’re here!

Let’s get to know each other! Find out what you need to know when choosing our products and the terms of use of our online store.
If you don’t find the information you’re looking for, we’ll be happy to answer your questions here in the chat.

Reliable quality

Our products justify themselves. Tested and recommended by doctors and specialists.

Fast and safe delivery

We will deliver the order in the shortest possible time with a courier service or you may choose to pick it up at the store.

Our guarantee

We provide a return or exchange of the product if the product does not meet the manufacturer's quality requirements.

Behind our strong team there is a happy client

We pay attention to all our customers’ needs

Kas ir

Saviem klientiem vēlamies sniegt tikai labāko, no kā izriet arī komandas vērtības – drošība, veselība, kvalitāte un garantija.

Mēs esam godīgi un uzmanīgi, veidojot attiecības ar mūsu klientiem.

Dr.Mauriņa klīnika

Dr. Mauriņa Vēnu klīnika ir viena no Eiropā modernākajām lāzermedicīnas un vēnu ārstēšanas klīnikām. Katru gadu to apmeklē tūkstošiem pacientu. Ar mūsdienīgām, drošām un pārbaudītām metodēm veiksmīgi ārstējam vēnu varikozi, trofiskās čūlas un citas vēnu saslimšanas.

Dr. Mauriņa Vēnu klīnikas sniegtie pakalpojumi un tehnoloģijas ir līdzvērtīgi vadošo Pasaules klīniku piedāvātajiem.

Our team

Our team consists of professionals in their field with a lot of experience and we want to provide our customers only the best experience in accordance with our core values – patient health and comfort, product quality and guarantee.

Signe Hila
Sales manager

Signe is a real hospitality professional, always kind and smiling. Signe takes care of customers, starting from the moment of receiving the order until handing it over for delivery. Signe will be able to find a solution in any situation, answer any question and always take care of every customer with an open heart. Signe is the soul of Ameda.

That’s what she says about her work: “Be the best and do the best you can. If something makes you unhappy, take action and fix it”.

Andra Maurina
Head of sales managers

Focusing on the quality of work describes Andra best. Andra takes care of the sustainability and development of Ameda and makes sure that our customers always get the best service and the highest quality products. Andra’s everyday life is spent planning the work of the whole team and moving the company towards perfection. Andra’s most important value is honesty – “during his life every person must learn to think, speak and do the same thing. Let my thoughts come out when I speak, and actions confirm both speech and thoughts.”

Signe Hochberga
Sales manager

Sales work can quite often be affected by various disturbing factors, because everyday life is connected with various services and companies. Signe dedicates her time to providing and offering the best service to our customers. She always moves forward confidently and knows that “for any situation you can always find the best solution”.

Sandra Aboltina
Sales manager

“No matter what the questions are, there are answers to them all” – this is Sandra’s motto. Working in the trade with high-quality products includes customers with their numerous questions about cosmetics storing, determining the size of compression stockings and many others. Sandra will always provide a kind advice concerning even the smallest nuances, so that the product the customer chooses is absolutely appropriate.

SIA “Flebomedika” ir noslēdzis 2016. Gada 16. Septembrī līgumu Nr.SKV-L_2016/785 ar Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūru par atbalsta saņemšanu pasākuma « Starptautiskās konkurētspējas veicināšana » ietvaros, ko līdzfinansē Eiropas Reģionālās attīstības fonds